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How do I get a copy of my vMix Account password and login details?
The vMix Account login page allows you to login using two different methods.
- With your vMix registration key (only if "Restrict login to email only" is not enabled)
- Or with your email address and password. This will always be the email address that the key is currently registered to under your vMix Account. This email can also be changed via your vMix Account at any time.
To login with your email and password, you will need your vMix Account password. Your password for your vMix Account is randomly generated. To retrieve a copy of your password, visit the vMix Account page: https://account.vmix.com/
Enter your email address into the Email Address field and then click the Email My Password button. An email will be sent to you with a copy of your vMix Account password.

You can save a copy of this password securely for future logins. Or a copy of your password can be retrieved at any time by following the steps above.
Can I change my vMix Account password?
Currently it is not possible to manually change your vMix Account password to a chosen password. This can only be randomly generated. To retrieve a copy of your password please follow the steps above.
If you need your vMix Account password changed to a new randomly generated password, then please contact vMix support and we can issue you a new one: https://www.vmix.com/contact-us.aspx
I don't remember my registration key or registered email address. How do I login?
Do note that your vMix registration key can be found under the Settings -> About menu in vMix. If you no longer have a copy of your vMix registration key or are unsure of what email address your vMix registration key is registered to, please contact vMix support with a copy of your original invoice or proof of purchase and we can assist you further: https://www.vmix.com/contact-us.aspx
Last Updated: Monday, November 1, 2021 8:27:04 AM